Week 4 - Sept 23 to Sept 30

I'm a few days late posting this, turns out everything notable happened on the last few days of the week


Wednesday the 25 was "World River Day" to celebrate I was going to hike/bike a longer section of the Don River but the weather was calling for thunder and I'm not that crazy.


Thursday my former college teacher hosted a community night for creatives. Its not aimed as a networking event but more of an evening that people from the arts industry can come together to talk and share story's. Its fun and I look forward to them.


Friday was the Riverdale Art Show, I've been going to more art shows then I normally do because I've essentially been doing research for where I could get a booth to display and/sell my own photographic work. Most show I've been to this year have been paintings just painting, really good paintings this show was the same except for one booth that had photography on it. David Johns, Fine Art & Photography. I only noticed the booth because it has a silhouette of a plant on it and it looked like flat lay darkroom exposure. The ones where you lay objects on your photo paper and then expose it all to light, you know the ones I'm talking about. It wasn't it was digital but still nice looking that it got my attention and we had a conversation about nature photography. If you have a minute check him out over on Instagram @davidopenroad David ended up showing me a small photobook he made for a friend that got him in to photography, the books subject is "Garbage" garbage that he's photographed while walking around the city.

Sounds familiar? It should since I did a project about garbage for my college project.

This show has given me some motivation to continue going after what I want and has given me some ideas on how to get it.


Saturday there were a bunch of events happening in downtown Toronto that I wanted to check out and I ended up riding across the city for most of the day.


Sunday lets end the week with another rally to support the Ontario Science Centre and its wrongful closure. I'm not going to go to deep into this subject here but if you want to learn more visit https://www.savesciencecentre.com/


I decided to take the Don Trail home to check for salmon didn't see any salmon jumping, didn't see any salmon at all but I did see a few Northern Flickers and a Peregrine Falcon all in the same cluster of trees. I must have watched them for a good hour. The only reason I left was while eating a granola bar I broke a tooth, yup great way to end a Sunday.


Week 5 - Sept 30- Oct 6


Week 3 - Sept 16th to 22nd