Week 1 - Sept 2nd to 8th
Seeing as this is the first week the school is back and what many consider toe be the start of the year I'm going to try something new. I'm going to start a weekly log or recap of what I've done, what I'm working on and what I'm planning to do.
Why am I doing this?
That a great question, there are a few reason but lets start with the main ones.
I've been feeling unmotivated and defeated for most of the summer and I've been losing the momentum I got/had from school, it just seems like everything has been slowly going downhill since June. I'm wondering if its because I no longer have any deadlines, so this will give me something to do and something with a due date, finish it by X day and post it on website by X day.
I'm also trying to grow the website, I keep trying to start a regular blog but I either fall behind in what I'm currently writing or I start writing something else and end up not finishing either. Or worse I finish one and it ends up being short and boring to read or when I write one on a photo walk I took and I end up not liking any of the photo I took.
So, What have I done this week
I'm not going to give you a play by play of what I did every day just some notable items
Going though photos of the Toronto 75th International Air Show
Took just over 4000 image and an 40 minutes of video, got the photo down to 64 keepers and I have to see about stabilizing the video clips in Premiere Pro or maybe After Effects
Rest of the week.
Sorting my Lightroom catalog so I can
Looking though old half finished blogs posts and decided to write this